Google+ Self Exam Doodles: 2013

Tuesday, 7 May 2013

Blows off the dust

Greetings chums, it has certainly been a while since I have blogged on here, time flies and all that.  Myself aka +Claire Pitt , have been doodling like mad as +The Doodologist and +TJ Lubrano  has been super busy creating magic over at TJ Lubrano. There was always great intentions, mainly on my part, to carry on with this project as well, but I was a bit rubbish. Well neglecting it for two years is more then rubbish, but life does tend to throw a spanner in your face, every now and then. Luckily not everyone has dropped the ball, when it comes to raising money and awareness. So I wanted to talk about Pixie's Happy Bags and the amazing fund raising effort they have made.

I have known the lady behind Pixie's Happy Bags, for a fair few years now. We met through the marvellous medium  of blogging and she has been supportive about all my artistic endeavours. Pixie was diagnosed with cancer in January 2012 and whilst going through horrendous treatment (of the medicated kind), she came up with a brilliant idea for raising money and making people happy. These are in the form of happy bags, little bags filled with tokens to make you smile. Having received them and bought some, I can tell you that they definitely do the job! 

On 11th of April, Pixie won this award from Justgiving: 2013 Winner Most Creative Fundraiser! 
Also awarded a 2013 Flame of Hope with special commendation for innovation.

She blasted through her original fund raising goal and is currently around the £11,000 mark, so her new goal is £25,000! Which I have no doubt at all is achievable for her, she is amazing.

After seeing her latest achievement and new fund raising goal, I felt inspired enough to blow off the dust on this blog and think about some new doodles. I also really need to convert current doodles in a folded leaflet format, so that can people can have a hopefully fun and accessible guide to a Breast Self Exam. The main point of these doodles was to at least get you thinking and talking about Breast Cancer. 

Please show some support for Pixie's Happy Bags, by following the various social media links and maybe buying a happy bag or twenty.

PS: Adding G+ to the social media playpens, that I don't update enough, so if you play over there then do follow.  I have also activated the G+ comment system on this blog, as, in theory, that integrates all the comments from G+ and here, into one happy place.