Google+ Self Exam Doodles: January 2015

Monday, 26 January 2015

Touch Yourself!

Here I am, years later, still encouraging people to touch themselves inappropriately, for appropriate reasons.

When I first started 'Self Exam Doodles' nearly five years ago, it was mainly to get my doodling powers up to scratch and luckily for me, my little doodle empire began to take shape in the form of 'The Doodologist'. Self Exam Doodles was then left to get stagnant and mouldy, as my mind and pen were diverted by other things. Every time I thought about coming back to this project I stumbled, so put it away again for another day.

I have strived to find that balance between drawing for commissions, drawing for pleasure and drawing for purpose. I am not much closer to answer, but I am more confident in my abilities and the power of doodle to carry important messages.  So here I am, dusting off the project once more and putting on my pondering hat.

There is also another reason I am writing this today, another friend has been diagnosed with breast cancer and this is the best way I can help at the moment.

Touch Yourself, often.

If you would like to translate the doodles into other languages, please do get in touch. So far we have English, French, Dutch and Spanish and there are lots more boobs of a different language out there.