Google+ Self Exam Doodles: Social Networking

Saturday, 5 February 2011

Social Networking

As the long process of doodling up all translated doodles continues, myself and TJ are having a lot of fun building up our facebook page for this site. At first we were reluctant to set one up, as we were not sure what the function of such a page would be. So far it has been great! So we have introduced a weekly doodle giveaway called 'Feel your boobies Friday', where one of our 'likers' gets randomly picked. We figured that this would be a cool way to reward our doodle cheerleaders and keep people interested in the project.

Both of us are active on twitter, especially me as @crpitt, but TJ @TJLubrano is catching up and getting into the twitter vibe. I have toyed around with setting up a twitter account for this site too, but not sure what value that would hold. Unless people would really like just a 'self exam doodles' twitter stream, rather than our mixed bag of wafflings? Any input would be greatly appreciated!

Using Social Media to promote this project is definitely a learning experience, we want to keep people engaged in the project and have some fun.

Please 'Like' us on facebook! We are fickle beasts and like attention (also cookies), it motivates us to doodle more! Also 'share' us, we like to get around.... Hopefully around the world in doodle form I meant of course.


  1. I like you! I really, really like you! :)

  2. Social networking has become a big marketing thing or to let people know of something like projects and causes!

  3. I have to say; this is the first time I've ever seen self exam cartoons!


Hello and Welcome!