Google+ Self Exam Doodles: Welcome to Self Exam Doodles

Sunday, 3 October 2010

Welcome to Self Exam Doodles

Welcome to Self Exam Doodles!

What started as a fun idea has now evolved into this little blog monster. I had initially posted the doodles on my personal blog and a blog chum had said why don't you delete all your blog posts and just have the breast self exam doodles. I think they were rather taken with nudey rudey aspect of it, rather than the more important message they try to convey.

Step 1 - Examine your breasts in the shower
Breast Self Exam

Then another blog chum emailed me and asked whether I would put up a Spanish version on my blog, if she translated them. That sounded like a cool idea to me! Hang on, my blog is a personal/ramble of a blog and not really the best home for these doodles.

So I thought about it for a while (about ten seconds) then ran off to get the domain name 'Self Exam Doodles' and set about creating this blog. The ideas behind the doodles will be mentioned on their relevant pages, which you will find in the navigation bar. I will be adding more stuff as I go along, so check them out.

At the moment I have finished the Breast Self Exam doodles in English and Espanol 

coming soon....

Any comments, suggestions about new doodles are all welcome and much appreciated!


  1. Hello hellooooo!! Aaah it's looking so cool! Also, I love the header Claire :D

    I think it's so important that people are aware of self exam, but for some reason a lot people just let it slide. It's just a simple check up that you can do, no money or doctors visit required! Hopefully your site can make a big difference as it is fun and colourful!!

    You can count on me for the translation in Dutch ^_^! Also I shall point people to your blog as well!

    Here's to more doodles *raises tea mug*

    Ciao Xxxx

  2. So far, so fantastic :) Glad you're doing other self exam doodles as well, it's such an important thing to do and whether people let it slide or are scared of what they might find, I think your doodles are definite encouragement.

    Raises a glass to you. (OK a cup of coffee.)

  3. What a great idea, Claire, and I love the layout. The soft colors and doodles adds a light and soothing touch to the serious subjects. I think you've hit on something very unique and effective.

  4. Great stuff Claire. Your doodles makes "self-exam" a little less scarier. I love the banner and the idea. Wish you good luck!

  5. Hey Cyran! Thanks so much for wandering over and leaving a comment. The idea started with the breast self exam's, but in reality I know more people personally that have had testicular cancer. So it seems to make sense that I would tackle some balls next.

    I hope people are encouraged by them! That would be really cool indeed.

    Hey Mr NP, Thanks for taking the time to have a look and even more thanks for the compliments.

    Hey Funkkee, Thanks for finding the new place, I wasn't sure who would wander over and have a look. Making them a little less scarier is an awesome compliment!! Thanks!

  6. Hey TJ, Ooops nearly forgot to reply your comment! The only thing I hate about blogger is the daft comment system.

    I think the self exam thing is easily forgotten about, but so easy to do! I know its just the start of the journey if you happen to find something, but the sooner something is found the better!

    Hooray for Dutch Translations!

  7. Claire, this is just so exciting! I am absolutely thrilled you have got this site up and running. I wish you every success with it all.

  8. Yeah, this was a genius idea. Now you just need to market it. Have you tried BlogCatalog? Oh wait, nevermind...

  9. @Juliana, So pleased to have your support it means a lot :)

    @Konnie, Why yes it was and don't be naughty :)


Hello and Welcome!