Google+ Self Exam Doodles: 2010

Tuesday, 23 November 2010

International Ladies...Coming Soon

Things have been a wee bit quiet on the blogging front, because all the work has been going on at doodle central instead. Doodle Central being my room, where I draw stuff, nowhere actually exciting, like The Bat Cave. I don't even have curtains, so it's not 'cave like' at all.
Anyhoo, I have been carrying on with my plans to take over the world, one Breast Self Exam doodle translation at a time. With the help of my doodle partner in crime TJ Lubrano from 'A Look in a Creative Mind', we have gotten another  load of languages to add to the already melting pot of cultures! Woo Hoo. Soon the whole world will know to give themselves a squidge and check for lumps and bumps.
In order for the translated pages to look cool and be easily identified, I am creating a mascot type lady for each version, a sneak peak of which you can see below.  Miss TJ is also joining me on this project, so some very very cool things are to come!
International Ladies Collage
Obviously this makes the whole process take a lot longer, but I am using the time to produce something that I am proud of and that hopefully it is something that people get some value from.

Monday, 11 October 2010

The Dutch Connection

As mentioned in the 'Universal Language of Doodle', TJ was next in line to translate the Breast Self Exam Doodles. Not only has she translated the doodles, she has also done this awesome doodle to introduce the Dutch version of the Breast Self Exam.

Who is TJ? You can read all about her here 'A Look in a Creative Mind', which is her blog about creativity and the wonderful illustrations that she is currently working on. I created this site, because I love doodling and I wanted to do something cool and worthwhile whilst improving my doodle skills. TJ has been a doodle mentor of sorts, recommending paper, watercolour techniques and drawing styles, basically a fountain of doodle knowledge for me! In fact she provided that paper that I doodled the Breast Self Exam doodles on, which is lucky, because the paper I was going to use, is like toilet paper in comparison.

So far it has been wonderful collaborating with fellow bloggers like Diana and TJ, on this project, as I know they are on hand if I needed help again. Having someone I know translate the doodles also adds the personal touch I was going for, without any scary google translator mishaps. So if you want to join in and help with the translations, then have a read of this post and let me know.

The first of many Lubrano ~ Pitt Collaborations (I hope)
For the Dutch version of the Breast Self Exam please - Klik hier

Breast Self Exam - Dutch

Hooray another translation is ready for the world. This time the lovely TJ has provided the doodle and the translations for this Dutch edition. For more information about TJ, please read this post and click here to read her blog  'A Look in a Creative Mind'

Step 1 -Dutch

Step 2 - Dutch

Step 3 - Dutch

Step 4 - Dutch

Stay Boobalicious ~ Blijf Boobalicious!

Blijf Boobalicious! Klik hier 'A look in a Creative Mind'

Sunday, 10 October 2010

World Mental Health Day 2010

Today is World Mental Health Day 2010

wmhd2010 earth text

Although this site is focused on the things that you can check for physically, I just wanted to mention the importance of checking yourself out mentally too.
Any physical illness can affect your mental health and the loved ones that care for you. Many cancer charities offer emotional support for those diagnosed and their family members, please take advantage of this, especially if you feel a little lost and need someone to talk to.

Wednesday, 6 October 2010

Universal Language of Doodle

Universal Language of Doodle
Universal Language of Doodle
Doodles are fun and accessible, because hopefully they make sense in any language (or they are at least nonsense in any language). Making these doodles, as accessible, to as many people as possible, is my aim. That includes those that maybe wouldn't read about this particular subject, either because it's embarrassing or because it's not something readily available to them. Not only that, illiteracy in this country (UK) and around the whole world is still a very sad statistic indeed. So if people can 'see' these doodles, that may be enough to set off something which leads to them checking out their naughty bits.

With that in mind, I hadn't thought about translating the doodles, it simply didn't occur to me. I wasn't sure who would read/look at them in English, let alone another language. So when Diana, sent me a message about translating them into Spanish, this set off an idea explosion that eventually led to the creation of this site. It is another bonus of being a blogger for years and collecting people that I can call friends from all over the world.

Translations/Translators on board so far:
  • Spanish translations have been provided by my Mexican blog chum Diana, as mentioned above. Diana is the person that has kicked off the international Mexican Doodle Wave (hehe/jeje).
  • Dutch translations will be provided by my Dutch Doodling chum TJ, who will be providing a wee doodle/s and the translations. TJ is a super talented illustrator and I am so pleased that she has agreed to help out.

I wonder if there are any other nice translators out there?

Special Wish-list:
The guys on the Mongol Rally aka the Mongolia 5, as mentioned in Going the extra mile, will be travelling through France, Belgium, Holland, Germany, Czech Republic, Poland, Ukraine, Russia, Kazakhstan and Mongolia. I thought it would be cool to get the breast self exam doodles translated into each of these languages! Especially because the guys are raising money for breast cancer awareness and it would be excellent to provide some doodle awareness as they hurtle across the continent.

Let me know if you can help! I have Holland (Dutch) covered, but the rest?

I of course want the doodles translated into every known written language, but I just wanted to highlight those particular countries, as it's for a particular special cause. World dominance can wait for now....

Learn something new every day...
I know how to do squiggles!!! Erm I mean accents. Using TypeIt I can at least cut/paste them anyways. This blog editor goes a bit daft, when I press down the ALT key and try any fancy shortcuts.

Update: Norwegian and German coming very soon! 

Sunday, 3 October 2010

Welcome to Self Exam Doodles

Welcome to Self Exam Doodles!

What started as a fun idea has now evolved into this little blog monster. I had initially posted the doodles on my personal blog and a blog chum had said why don't you delete all your blog posts and just have the breast self exam doodles. I think they were rather taken with nudey rudey aspect of it, rather than the more important message they try to convey.

Step 1 - Examine your breasts in the shower
Breast Self Exam

Then another blog chum emailed me and asked whether I would put up a Spanish version on my blog, if she translated them. That sounded like a cool idea to me! Hang on, my blog is a personal/ramble of a blog and not really the best home for these doodles.

So I thought about it for a while (about ten seconds) then ran off to get the domain name 'Self Exam Doodles' and set about creating this blog. The ideas behind the doodles will be mentioned on their relevant pages, which you will find in the navigation bar. I will be adding more stuff as I go along, so check them out.

At the moment I have finished the Breast Self Exam doodles in English and Espanol 

coming soon....

Any comments, suggestions about new doodles are all welcome and much appreciated!

Friday, 1 October 2010

Breast Self Exam - Espanol

I don't speak, read, think or write in Spanish, but luckily I know someone who does.. So muchos gracias? To Diana from The Hidden face of the moon for translating the doodles for me.

So here it is in Spanish! Español

Step 1 (Spanish)

Step 2 (Spanish)

Step 3 (Spanish)

Step 4 (Spanish)

Step 5 (Spanish)